Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Maid of Honor Speech.

Siggi, my maid of honor, is truly an awesome individual. Not only did she deliver an amazing speech at our wedding, but she even transcribed it for me to have forever. And now that means I can share it with you. Enjoy!

"I have two younger brothers, Ryan and Brandon, who are twins. I have always envied their twinship. Being a twin, at least the way Ryan and Brandon are, means they are never alone. They approach everything in life with confidence, knowing they will never be alone in any wrong decisions. Other people contemplate colleges and careers carefully before making a decision, but the twins can seemingly jump into the right choice, never worrying that it might be wrong since the other is doing the same.

"Needless to say, my life has not been like this. While I had friends and my brothers growing up, I always was more solitary. When I entered the second grade in Germany, I was the only one in my class who did not speak German. At the same time Ryan and Brandon entered kindergarten as a two-person alliance that persisted in speaking English far into the school year. I appreciated my more independent and unique life, but it was also a lot more scary.

"When I met Caitlin in seventh grade my life instantly changed. By the time we bumped into each other for the seventh class on that first day of school we were friends and by the end of September we were best friends. We by-passed the usual note-passing in class, instead writing to each other in a spiral notebook that we called "the notebook." In it, we contemplated such important questions as whether or math teacher, Mr. Meyer, was an alien, and whether it was possible to shoot a banana out of its skin like they do in cartoons.

"When we separated in high school the notebook followed me. It was a physical symbol of my confidence as I navigated the halls among students I did not know. Our notes became longer and more profound.

"Since then, Caitlin and my friendship has evolved into an invincible relationship, reminiscent of Ryan and Brandon's twinship. However, far from doing everything together, we instead support each other in our own unique paths. Since the seventh grade, I have never felt alone or doubted myself. Caitlin was always there beside me in the form of the notebook. She is the strength in my life that defines me to the world.

"Four years ago a new character entered our notebook. Billy's name became mentioned more and more often, and the connotation associated with him grew more and more positive. By the end of 2004, when I left for the Peace Corps, I knew I was leaving her in good hands. Around that time, Caitlin wrote, 'I'm trying not to obsess too much over Billy, but it's hard. I feel like I imagine a Boston Red Sox fan must feel like right now... after all these years of trying maybe this time it will happen.'

"Over the two years I was in Africa, Billy became the main character in Caitlin's notes and life. In a different sort of friendship, I might have become jealous. As it is, I have never felt threatened by Billy. Instead of taking her away from me, somehow he impelled her to grow, so that she seemingly has double as much of herself to share. Caitlin wrote it herself best: 'The fact that Billy genuinely cares about me has really helped to open me up to my closer family and friends.'

"Billy's effect on Caitlin has redefined the word 'relationship' for me: There are friendships that entertain, amuse and make life more fun. Then there are those rare relationships that make us grow into bigger, better and more powerful people, and mold us into who we are. These are the ones that I treasure. Outside of my family I still only have this one, or possibly two now, of such a relationship, but I know that these are worth more than all others combined.

"I would not be who I am today without Caitlin, and I love the person that she has become, and is still becoming through Billy."

Siggi, thank you so much for being the twin for my soul.

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