Saturday, March 1, 2008

43 days to go...

Wedding planning has slowed significantly since the big project of getting the invitations out is completed. Last week I also finished the other mammoth project of making the wedding favors. This was another of my bright ideas and was so involved that I actually started making them last June. I haven't done an official count, but I estimate I've done around 102 of them, so that ought to be enough for everybody. As to what they are... well, you'll just have to wait and see. I hope you like them as much as I do.

We finally got word from the florist that all the flowers we wanted will actually be available for us. I'd been worried about it since it was nearly six weeks since we met with her to discuss them. Without getting into too much detail, I will say that the bride's bouquet will consist of bearded iris, which is symbolic. My dad loved gardening and I always remember he lingered over the bearded iris he grew. It's my way of having him walk me down the aisle with my mom and stepfather. And I think it will be beautiful.

Billy ordered his ring, and mine's in my jewelry cabinet. I'd show photos but Billy's ring is so new that there aren't even any photos of it on the web yet. Once it arrives, I'll post a shot. It's really nice.

Yesterday was the first day we didn't get any response cards back in the mail. Bummer. I think periodically I should just send postcards out to people to send back to me. It's nice to come home to tropical photos after a long day at work.

The things we have left to do seem so trifling next to what's already been done. At this point the most important thing we do every day is check another day off the calendar!

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