Friday, August 1, 2008


Not that I expect anyone still reads this or that anyone would actually believe me, but I've actually made some progress getting some wedding photos posted. Seriously! You can check out what we've got up so far by clicking on this super-secret photo link. Right now there are about 40 photos up, out of about 120 total. Every day I'm trying to get up another page of 10, but I'll admit I don't get to it every day.

Also, if anyone wants to teach me a faster, easier way of doing it that doesn't involve creating a separate web page for every individual photo, I would be indebted to you for life. I pay in chocolate chip cookies, too.


Anonymous said...

Very nice. I especially like the third one you put up of you and Billy on the beach (yeah, that simplifies it, doesn't it?).

Also it's nice that Willie Nelson and Bonnie Raitt (or is that Susan Sarandon) showed up at your wedding. ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh, Cait, that was me, Bryan, posting with my half dozen blogs. Sorry about that.